Maha Sanghpati
- Prominent recognition with a plaque during the opening or closing ceremony
- VIP seating (up to 8 family members) in all major Convention events
- Welcome remarks for 10 mins on a main stage
- Hotel Suite (One) for Thu, Fri, and Sat night
- Prominent JAINA Recognition Plaque
- Prominent Recognition Email/Post on Social Media
- Welcome Banner at a prominent location with the sponsor’s name with picture
- Lead the Procession with a special ribbon (up to 8 family members)
- Complimentary Registration for up to 8 family members
- Photograph of family in specially designed full page in souvenir book
- Family picture on the home page of the convention website.
- Family picture on the Convention Sponsorship Webpage
- 180 Seconds Family Video Played during the Main Evening Program
- Complimentary Parking service for 2 cars with in/out privileges