Bindesh Shah, Convener

Bindesh Shah, Convener
2023 Jaina Convention Convener
Jaina First Vice President
2021 Jaina Convention Co-Convener
Jaina SouthEast Regional VP – 2020-2021
Jaina Director (2005-Present)
*Jain Center of South Florida*
Past – President, Board Chair, Treasurer, Secretary
Project Mgr – Temple construction
Mahesh Wadher, Past President

Mahesh Wadher
Mahesh Wadher is a businessman and non-profit professional. He is the Founder and CEO of AMTEX, CEO of Shiv Shakti Industries and CEO of Axis Global Solutions. He has been involved with non-profit organizations for over the past decade. Currently, he is the Board of Director at Jain Center of Southern California, First VP of the JAINA, Chair of Jain Digest Committee, President of Anekant Community Center, Trustee of SRMD-USA, Trustee of Gujarati Society of Southern California, and Convener of the JAINA 2019 Convention. He also has the honor of being a donor for the Endowed Chair & Professorship on Jainism at UC Riverside. Through education, community engagement and outreach, he has an interest in promoting Jainism and its ideals in today’s modern world.
Vipul shah, Secretary

Vipul shah
- Director, Data & AI Sales at Microsoft
- Trustee, Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago (JSMC)
- Chairperson, Jain Center Liaison Committee, JAINA
- JAINA 2023 Convention Board, Secretary
- Member, JITO Chapter, Chicago
- Trustee, Jain Visa Oshwal Group of North America
- Immediate Past President and Past Vice Chairman, JSMC
- Executive Committee since 2010, JSMC
- JAINA Adult Award, 2017
- Chairperson, Public Relations Committee, JAINA Convention 2021
- Co-Chair, Marketing Committee, JAINA Convention 2021
- Chairperson, Jains Got Talent (JGT), JAINA Convention, LA 2019
- Member, Technology Committee, JAINA Convention, LA 2019
- Member, JAINA Long Range Planning Committee (four years)
Rajeev Pandya

Rajeev Pandya
- Partner, ASHI Diamonds & Avalon Solution – New York – USA, Mumbai, Surat, Indore – India, HK – China
- President of Indian Diamond & Color Stones Association (IDCA) – USA
- Treasurer – JITO USA – Jain International Trade Organization
- Chairperson, JITO USA – New York Chapter
- JAINA 2023, 2021 & 2019 Convention Board
- Co-Chairperson of JAINA 2021 & 2019 Fundraising Committee
- Past NorthEast Vice President of JAINA & Chairperson of JAINA Calendar Committee
- Past Board of Trustee & Current Benefactor Trustee for Jain Center of America, NY
- Board of International Ahimsa Foundation
Dr. Nitin Shah

Dr. Nitin Shah
Dr. Nitin Shah is a Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at Loma Linda University and is Chief of Surgical ICU at Long Beach Veterans Hospital in CA. He is a past President of Jain Center of Southern California, the Founding President of Anekant Community Center and the past Co-Convener of the 2009 JAINA Convention. He is current Chairman of the 2019 JAINA Awards Committee. He is involved in many Philanthropic activities in medicine, education, and other services around the world. He has been involved in Health and Wellness of members of JCSC and is chair of the Wellness Committee of JAINA. He has been coordinating establishment of Chairs and Professorships in various mainstream University in Southern California.
Deepak Parekh

Deepak Parekh
Business owner, Entrepreneur, Investor
Studied at Marshall University (WV) and University of Florida (FL) with degrees in Computer science. Based in Tampa since 1999 (Originally from Indore, India) and life member of Jain Society of Tampa Bay. Founding member of Tampa Jain Temple. Was deeply involved with Temple design and construction, creation of JSTB By-Laws, Temple Hall use policies and their periodic updates. Past Chairman of the Board of Trustee.